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Hurt on the Railroad? You May Have Options for Compensation

On Behalf of Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC |

There are any number of hazards that railway workers may face when they’re on the job. For people who work on the tracks, these can be even more pronounced. There could be risks such as being trapped in the track’s moving parts, getting run over by a train, suffering injuries from working with heavy machinery and more.

Railway workers are often asked to work under harsh conditions. They may be exposed to the elements or be working around dangerous tools or trains. If you are hurt while you’re on the job, you may be able to seek compensation through the Federal Employers Liability Act, or FELA.

FELA requires your employer to provide a safe work environment

FELA does require your employer to make your workplace as safe as possible. They also have to make sure to provide you with safety devices and personal protective equipment. The tools and equipment you use should be in good condition as well.

To help prevent railroad accidents, FELA also requires your employer to:

  • Provide appropriate, and adequate training and assistance to you and your colleagues
  • Provide adequate supervision
  • Enforce all safety rules and regulations as required by law
  • Inspect the workplace to make sure it is as safe as it can be
  • To avoid requiring unreasonable work quotas

As someone who has gotten hurt on the job, remember that you may need to show that your employer was negligent in some way, even if it’s a very small amount of negligence. For example, if the employer failed to train someone you were working with or didn’t let you know the correct schedule that day to help you prevent injuries, then you may have a claim. This is because FELA requires a lesser degree of fault than in some other kinds of cases.

Hurt at work on the railroad? You can seek compensation

Any time you’re hurt on the job, it’s worth looking into making a claim for compensation. You deserve to be treated fairly after an injury because your life and career are on the line. Get medical help, and then look into your legal options to get the compensation you deserve.

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