- Worker's-Comp-FAQ - Armbruster Dripps & Blotevogel

Workers’ Compensation FAQ

Common Questions (And Answers) About Workers’ Compensation In Illinois

It’s natural to have a lot of questions and worries when you’ve suffered a workplace injury. Most of all, you need to know that you have options to support yourself and your family while you seek medical treatment and take time to heal.

At Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC, we have been helping Illinois workers with their workers’ compensation claims for decades, and we have earned a reputation for excellence in client service. Below, we have provided some of the most common questions we receive, as well as answers to those questions. After reading this page, feel free to contact us with your own questions. We’d be happy to answer them during a free initial consultation.

What is workers’ compensation?

It is a program designed to both compensate injured workers and, in exchange, to protect employers from injury lawsuits filed by those workers. When an employee is injured on the job, their employer is responsible to pay for their medical treatment and provide wage replacement during the period that the worker is injured. In most states, employers with a certain number of employees are required to carry insurance to pay for their employee’s medical expenses following a workplace injury.

Can I sue my employer for my workplace injury?

If your employer is required to have workers’ compensation insurance and cover claims, the answer is almost always no. Worker’s compensation was designed to be the “exclusive remedy” (only option) for compensating on-the-job injuries. If you have a dispute about denial of your claim, most states have set up administrative agencies to hold less formal hearings to determine liability and what steps are necessary to treat your injuries or illness.

How do I know if I have a third-party liability claim?

While you can’t sue your employer for a workplace injury, you can sue a third party that caused or contributed to your injuries. If you are a commercial driver and were struck by another motorist, for instance, you could sue that other driver in addition to seeking workers’ comp benefits. The same is true if you were injured by a defective product that you use for work.

The best way to discover if you have a potential third-party liability claim is to contact an experienced attorney like those at our firm. We can help you with both your workers’ compensation claim and any litigation against a third party.

What types of injuries do workers’ compensation cover?

Workers’ compensation covers essentially any injury you sustain while in the course of doing the activities your employer pays you to complete. Common work injuries are caused by repetitive strains, car accidents, construction site chaos, ladder falls, falling objects, explosions, environmental toxin exposure, poorly maintained offices, bad lighting, and lengthy list of other hazards.

Do I need a lawyer for my workers’ compensation claim?

Hiring a lawyer isn’t a requirement as an injured employee, but because workers’ compensation may be your only available source of compensation, it may be practically necessary if there is a problem with your claim. Your employer may deny your claim or not file their portion on time; the workers’ compensation agency in your state may also deny your claim. These types of delays can be frustrating and time consuming. Working with a lawyer can help the process run smoother.

Talk To An Experienced Attorney For Free

If you have additional questions about workers’ compensation or want to learn more about your options, we invite you to contact Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC to schedule your free initial consultation. Call our office at 800-917-1529 or fill out our online contact form to get started.