- Nursing-Home-Liability - Armbruster Dripps & Blotevogel

Nursing Home Liability

Determining Nursing Home Liability

Many people place elderly or disabled family members in nursing homes with the expectation that they will be well cared for by qualified staff in accordance with professional codes of conduct and state regulations. Unfortunately, some nursing homes do not always live up to those standards. As a result, nursing home residents may be neglected or abused. Attorneys at Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC, aggressively represent victims of nursing home neglect and abuse.

Such neglect or abuse may be the result of any of the following:

  • Inadequate background checks of employees
  • Nonexistent or subpar training
  • Insufficient oversight
  • Understaffing
  • Protecting your loved ones from harm

Your loved one or family member may not be able to remember or describe the abuse or neglect, either because of their infirmities or fear of retaliation. Therefore, other family members need to visit frequently and look for telltale signs, such as:

  • Bed and pressure sores
  • Repeated falls
  • Bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Dehydration
  • Malnourishment

Mental abuse may be harder to identify but often includes depression, insomnia and anxiety. Changes in personality and speech patterns may also be clues.

Many states have enacted a Bill of Rights for nursing home residents. Even in states that do not have such legislation, residents are entitled to compensation when they are injured due to abuse or neglect. An experienced St. Louis personal injury lawyer can help you determine whether the legal standard of care has been met and find the evidence necessary to prove your case.

St. Louis Nursing Home Liability Attorneys In Madison County, Illinois

If you suspect a family member has been neglected or abused in a nursing home, call 800-917-1529 or contact us online to discuss your situation with one of our lawyers.

We offer contingent fee agreements, so you owe no attorney fees or costs unless and until we recover compensation for you or your family member.