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Welder Compensated for Soft Tissue Injury

On Behalf of Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC |

Welder developed low back problems as a result of the repetitively traumatic nature of his job with steel foundry. The employer denied the claim and Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC’s took the case to trial to compel the company to pay the employee for his lost time from work and to compel the company to authorize and pay for the employee’s medical treatment. After a successful trial, the company appealed the Decision to the Workers’ Compensation Commission and the Commission increased the amount of money due the injured employee. The welder resumed his medical treatment and while it was determined that no surgery was necessary, employee was unable to return to his job as a welder. Following vocational rehabilitation, employee successfully began a new career and was further compensated $155,000.

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