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Charles Armbruster Named a Leading Lawyer

On Behalf of Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC |

Armbruster Dripps Blotevogel LLC partner, Charles Armbruster, is named a Leading Lawyer in America. From the organization’s website:

Leading Lawyers surveys lawyers, asking them which of their peers, indeed their competitors, they would recommend to a family member or friend if they could not take a case within their area of law or geographic region. To maintain the quality and credibility of the survey, lawyers cannot nominate themselves or anyone at their own law firm. Based upon survey nominations and approval by our Advisory Board, only the top lawyers are nominated and eligible for membership in Leading Lawyers.

A lawyer cannot buy their way onto the list of Leading Lawyers.

In surveys mailed to all lawyers in that state, we ask them which of their peers they believe comprise the top lawyers within their respective region and/or area(s) of law. Only those lawyers who are most often recommended, and later approved by our Advisory Board, are selected as Leading Lawyers. We limit the total number of Leading Lawyers in a state to less than five percent of all lawyers licensed to practice law in that state.

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