- Product-Liability - Dripps & Blotevogel

Product Liability

Protecting Consumers From Dangerous Or Defective Products At Home Or At Work

We frequently hear warnings from government agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) about dangerous products that have caused injuries to workers or consumers. The products liability attorneys at Dripps & Blotevogel LLC, have participated in many legal actions involving dangerous and defective products.

Sometimes, manufacturers and sellers of products voluntarily recall products when they discover that some of them malfunction or are dangerously defective. Such products include:

  • Infants’ cribs and bedding
  • Toys and games
  • Over-the-counter remedies
  • Motor vehicles
  • Tools and power equipment
  • Lawnmowers and garden tools

Food items are also subject to recalls when it is discovered that some portions are contaminated, causing serious illness.

Exposing Dangerous And Defective Products Through Individual Legal Action

We do not have to wait for a government agency or manufacturer warning before having the right to obtain compensation for injuries caused by consumer products, tools, and equipment. Our St. Louis personal injury attorneys have a right to expect that a company in the business of manufacturing and selling products to the public will make the products reasonably safe for their intended uses.

Manufacturers and sellers must disclose and warn of any known dangers that are not readily observable by the average consumer. A person who is injured or becomes ill due to use of, or exposure to, defective or contaminated products is entitled to compensation from the sellers and manufacturers of those products. Even if consumers or workers did not purchase the product, they are protected as long as it was foreseeable that they would use or consume the product in the manner that caused the injury or illness.

St. Louis And Illinois Product Liability Attorneys

Whether you were injured at home, at work, or play, if you have suffered an injury or illness due to a defective or dangerous product, call 800-917-1529 or contact us online to talk with an experienced product liability attorney.

We offer contingent fee agreements, so you owe no attorney fees or costs unless and until we recover compensation for you.